End to End Examples
- Strychnine
- Step 1: Importing AQME and other python modules
- Step 2: CSEARCH conformational sampling
- Step 3: Creating Gaussian input files for optimization and frequency with QPREP
- Step 4: Running Gaussian inputs for optimization and frequency calcs externally
- Step 5: QCORR analysis including isomerization filter
- Step 6: Resubmission of unsuccessful calculations (if any) with suggestions from AQME
- Step 7: Creating Gaussian input files for NMR calcs with QPREP
- Step 8: Running Gaussian NMR calcs
- Step 9: Obtaining Boltzmann weighted NMR shifts with QDESCP
- Step 10: Calculating conformer populations with GoodVibes
- Diels-Alder reactions
- Step 1: Importing AQME and other python modules
- Step 2: Determining distance and angle constraints for TSs
- Step 3: CSEARCH conformational sampling
- Step 4: Creating Gaussian input files for optimization and frequency with QPREP
- Step 5: Running Gaussian inputs for optimization and frequency calcs externally
- Step 6: QCORR analysis
- Step 7: Resubmission of unsuccessful calculations (if any) with suggestions from AQME
- Step 8: Creating DLPNO input files for ORCA single-point energy calculations
- Step 9: Running ORCA inputs for single point energy calcs externally
- Step 10: Calculating PES with goodvibes
- Solubility descriptors