Generate Gaussian Inputs

For these examples we are going to assume that we have a folder named 'sdf_files' that contains a single file 'ethane.sdf' with a single conformer in .sdf format whose gaussian input file we want to generate. As you might have guessed in this specific example we will be working with Ethane.


The sdf file contents are as follows:


  8  7  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0999 V2000
    0.9537   -0.0505   -0.0702 C   0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    2.4658   -0.0505   -0.0702 C   0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    0.5694   -1.0113   -0.4254 H   0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    0.5694    0.7375   -0.7247 H   0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    0.5694    0.1223    0.9395 H   0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    2.8501   -0.2233   -1.0799 H   0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    2.8501   -0.8385    0.5843 H   0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    2.8501    0.9103    0.2850 H   0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
  1  2  1  0  0  0  0
  1  3  1  0  0  0  0
  1  4  1  0  0  0  0
  1  5  1  0  0  0  0
  2  6  1  0  0  0  0
  2  7  1  0  0  0  0
  2  8  1  0  0  0  0


The following code will also work for multiple conformers and/or molecules.


AQME supports various formats for providing the geometries of the conformers. If we want to use a format to specify the molecule that does not contain 3D coordinates we will need to generate them beforehand, please see the Conformer Search section.

We will be using the QPREP module --qprep

We indicate the files whose gaussian input we want --files "sdf_files/*.sdf"


Please notice that shell wildcard arguments need to be provided as strings. --files "sdf_files/*.sdf" should be provided instead of --files sdf_files/*.sdf. This feature might change in future to follow the usual conventions.

We include the suffix that will be appended to the base name of the files --suffix "wb97xd-basic"

We indicate the details of the gaussian calculation --qm_input "wb97xd/def2qzvpp scrf=(smd,solvent=acetonitrile)"

And the number of processors --nprocs 8 and memory --mem 16GB for the gaussian calculations.

Our final command will now look like this:

python -m aqme --qprep --files "sdf_files/*.sdf" --qm_input "wb97xd/def2qzvpp scrf=(smd,solvent=acetonitrile)" --suffix wb97xd-basic --program gaussian --mem 16GB --nprocs 8

With this we have generated a new folder named QCALC that contains the file '' with the following contents:

# wb97xd/def2qzvpp scrf=(smd,solvent=acetonitrile)


0 1
 C   0.95370000  -0.05050000  -0.07020000
 C   2.46580000  -0.05050000  -0.07020000
 H   0.56940000  -1.01130000  -0.42540000
 H   0.56940000   0.73750000  -0.72470000
 H   0.56940000   0.12230000   0.93950000
 H   2.85010000  -0.22330000  -1.07990000
 H   2.85010000  -0.83850000   0.58430000
 H   2.85010000   0.91030000   0.28500000

Enforce Charge and Multiplicity

If we had wanted to specify the charge and multiplicity we just need to add the appropriate keywords --charge 0 --mult 3.

Leading to the full command line (note that we have changed the suffix so the file name that we will generate will be different)

python -m aqme --qprep --suffix wb97xd-triplet --charge 0 --mult 3 --files "sdf_files/*.sdf" --qm_input "wb97xd/def2qzvpp scrf=(smd,solvent=acetonitrile)" --program gaussian --mem 16GB --nprocs 8

Which will create the file '' with the following contents:

# wb97xd/def2qzvpp scrf=(smd,solvent=acetonitrile)


0 3
 C   0.95370000  -0.05050000  -0.07020000
 C   2.46580000  -0.05050000  -0.07020000
 H   0.56940000  -1.01130000  -0.42540000
 H   0.56940000   0.73750000  -0.72470000
 H   0.56940000   0.12230000   0.93950000
 H   2.85010000  -0.22330000  -1.07990000
 H   2.85010000  -0.83850000   0.58430000
 H   2.85010000   0.91030000   0.28500000

Include the gen or genecp section

If we want to include a genecp with automatic detection of the atoms in the molecule we have to add some extra keywords:

We need to specify the atoms whose ECP we are setting --gen_atoms "['C']"

As well as the ECP --bs_gen def2svp

The basis set for the atoms that will not use the ECP --bs_nogen "6-31G*"

Finally we need to also substitute the basis set by genecp in the qm_input parameter --qm_input "wb97xd/genecp scrf=(smd,solvent=acetonitrile)"

And we end up with the following command line:

python -m aqme --qprep --suffix "wb97xd-genecp" --gen_atoms "['C']" --bs_gen def2svp --bs_nogen "6-31G*" --files "sdf_files/*.sdf" --qm_input "wb97xd/genecp scrf=(smd,solvent=acetonitrile)" --program gaussian --mem 16GB --nprocs 8

Which will lead to the creation of the file '' with the following contents:

# wb97xd/genecp scrf=(smd,solvent=acetonitrile)


0 1
 C   0.95370000  -0.05050000  -0.07020000
 C   2.46580000  -0.05050000  -0.07020000
 H   0.56940000  -1.01130000  -0.42540000
 H   0.56940000   0.73750000  -0.72470000
 H   0.56940000   0.12230000   0.93950000
 H   2.85010000  -0.22330000  -1.07990000
 H   2.85010000  -0.83850000   0.58430000
 H   2.85010000   0.91030000   0.28500000

H 0
C 0

C 0

If we instead do not want to include the ECP section, or in other words we want to use the gen instead of genecp we only need to substitute it in the qm_input parameter. AQME will automatically recognize it and write the input file accordingly:

python -m aqme --qprep --suffix "wb97xd-gen" --gen_atoms "['C']" --bs_gen def2svp --bs_nogen "6-31G*" --files "sdf_files/*.sdf" --qm_input "wb97xd/gen scrf=(smd,solvent=acetonitrile)" --program gaussian --mem 16GB --nprocs 8

Which will lead to the creation of the file '' with the following contents:

# wb97xd/gen scrf=(smd,solvent=acetonitrile)


0 1
 C   0.95370000  -0.05050000  -0.07020000
 C   2.46580000  -0.05050000  -0.07020000
 H   0.56940000  -1.01130000  -0.42540000
 H   0.56940000   0.73750000  -0.72470000
 H   0.56940000   0.12230000   0.93950000
 H   2.85010000  -0.22330000  -1.07990000
 H   2.85010000  -0.83850000   0.58430000
 H   2.85010000   0.91030000   0.28500000

H 0
C 0

Include instructions after the geometry section

Finally if we want to specify some extra instructions after the geometry which are required for some commands such as the modredundant optimization option or for nbo6 calculations. Here we use the NBO as an example.

We will only need to add a single extra command to include such instructions --qm_end "$nbo bndidx $end"


In linux-based systems the $ needs to be escaped so the previous option would need to be typed as --qm_end "$nbo bndidx $end" instead.

But as we are using an NBO calculation as example we also need to use a gaussian command line that is appropriate for the calculation --qm_input "pop=(nbo6read,savenbos) wb97xd/def2svp"

Our final command line will look like:

python -m aqme --qprep --suffix wb97xd-nbo --qm_end "$nbo bndidx $end" --qm_input "pop=(nbo6read,savenbos) wb97xd/def2svp" --files "sdf_files/*.sdf"  --program gaussian --mem 16GB --nprocs 8

Which will lead to the creation of the file '' with the following contents:

# pop=(nbo6read,savenbos) wb97xd/def2svp


0 1
 C   0.95370000  -0.05050000  -0.07020000
 C   2.46580000  -0.05050000  -0.07020000
 H   0.56940000  -1.01130000  -0.42540000
 H   0.56940000   0.73750000  -0.72470000
 H   0.56940000   0.12230000   0.93950000
 H   2.85010000  -0.22330000  -1.07990000
 H   2.85010000  -0.83850000   0.58430000
 H   2.85010000   0.91030000   0.28500000

$nbo bndidx $end